
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Lost Variant [Spoilers]

Infected, indeed.

First, I didn't spot a mirror, but Sayid looked in one, didn't he?

Ok, so what do we know now?
  • Jacob drives bargains that are just as hard perhaps as F-Locke does.
  • Sayid is so incredibly screwed no matter the reality.  In one, his brother marries his love and then sucks him into the dark side.  
    • And yes, Sayid absolutely had to shoot the bad guy (who was a nasty merc who killed Rousseau's daughter back on the Island).  Any promise he made to drop the loan and forget about things was entirely incredible.  Not to be believed.  It was kill him or be killed by him later.
    • And, on the Island, Sayid does the bidding of evil incarnate.  To get Nadia back.  He loses her in one timeline because of his guilt about what he done, and then in this one, he does worse to get her back.  Interesting contradictions.  
  • Jin is a lousy thug in this timeline (if he is a thug in this one).  He made it out of security and out of the airport, only to be captured again.  That seems to be his fate now--getting captured.
  • Kate told Claire about Aaron--not good.  And they are now together under the regime of F-Locke.  Who has an army--where did these guys come from?  Our ending was choppy due to a lousy Canadian feed, but  it looks like F-Locke has picked up spare Others over the years....  Don't know here they have been hanging out.
  • Miles is not as funny without Hurley.
  • Small world. Sayid's brother is sent to Jack's hospital, and then Sayid meets Jin. 
  • Travel is funky in this season--what took folks long periods of time now takes as long as it is convenient, so Ilana and the gang show up at just the right/wrong time.
The funny episode last week meant a serious one this week.  Not much humor although some great lines:
  1. "Now why did you have to go and do that." after Sayid stabs F-Locke, who is much less mortal than Jacob was.
  2. "Take it, I won't bite."  No, Smokey drags and throws, he does not bite.
  3. "There's still time" says Ben.  "Not for me" says a wicked Sayid.
Some lingering questions:
When did Miles meet Claire?  I thought they never met.  But he did think she was still hot.  Crazy but hot.  Interesting take. 
Where is Jin?

How parallel are the two realities?
  • Jack seems mildly redeemed in alt LA, working on it on the Island.
  • Hurley is better off in alt LA, doing ok on the Island.
  • Kate is on the run and in danger in both, but working to protect Claire in both.  
  • John Locke is swell in alt LA, dead on the Island. 
  • Siyad is doomed in either place.  


  1. The bunch of Others Flocke had at the end were mostly people that were in the Temple who were afraid that they'd die, based on what Sayid told them (I think).

    So what was the deal with Jacob making that promise to Dogen? Jacob brought the son back to life but only if Dogen would come to the island -- why? Why does Jacob need him there?

    I've had it up to hear with Clair's rat hair. Ugh! And I can't remember when she met Miles either but since she left in Season 4 and I think we met him in Season 4, I guess they did cross paths somewhere...

    Any significance to the egg(s) that the bad guy (Keamy?) was eating? Birth, rebirth, anything? I thought maybe but then the thought left my head as quickly as it came in.

    Last week, I was starting to think that whatever the Island is and whatever it is that's going on, at some point, everyone is going to realize that the alt universe exists and how their lives are different there, and they'll have to make a choice - to go back to that universe or forgo it and stay with their "current" selves (with the former past we learned for the last 5 seasons) and possibly go back to that life knowing what could have been... or some such shit. Another one of those thoughts that left as quickly as it came and now sounds like rambling.

    I wonder where Sawyer was in tonight's episode. heavy sigh ...

  2. Miles and Claire met in season 4 after Widmore's mercenaries attack Dharma-ville. They were together in the woods with Sawyer before Claire walked off never to be seen again... until this season!
