
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Profs Atwitter

I have deleted this post as it will essentially be published in the Globe and Mail as an op-ed next week apparently.  Since the G&M wants exclusivity, I felt having this post here at this moment in time would not be appropriate.  I will post the link to the piece when it is published.

Thanks for your interest.


  1. Thank you for the commentary on Simpson's article. You are right to point out the potential importance of research, not just for teaching but also for the economy as well. Hopefully politicians will notice...

    On an unrelated topic, could you comment on the following report, about the time when UN still seemed to matter? And, when-in your opinion-did it stop to? Was it a victim (as implied about its SG) of the Cold War and/or de-colonization?

  2. Let me think about it as I am preparing for class, but I would think the UN mattered after the cold war more than before.

  3. Thanks!
    By the way, can you also share with us, who is your favorite UN SG?

  4. No. That would require my paying more attention to UNSG's past and present than I am willing.
