
Monday, February 27, 2012

Star Wars: Revisualized

Check out this post about how best to watch the series, keeping alive the twists.  Not just a re-ordering but something more than that.

watching Revenge of the Sith makes Return of the Jedi a better, more effective film
watching Revenge of the Sith makes Return of the Jedi a better, more effective film
watching Revenge of the Sith makes Return of the Jedi a better, more effective film`
watching Revenge of the Sith makes Return of the Jedi a better, more effective film
watching Revenge of the Sith makes Return of the Jedi a better, more effective film

Tell me this guy is wrong.  I dare ya.

H/T to Robert Farley who works at the doppelganger to my new institution.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I may try that with Evan. Already went in episode order with David.
