
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Economic Protectionism is Theme of the Day

My second post of the day is also on protectionism, but a strange kind.  Apparently, some folks in Washington (the state) are upset that their Costco's parking lot is full of Canadian vehicles because the Canadians are running south for cheap goods and gas.  The locals are frustrated that those who come to put money in the local and national economies are filling up the parking lot.  What to do, what to do?

You could blame Obama, I am sure.  But I think you have to blame America and freedom.  That the big box store that Costco exemplifies is such a celebration of "the pursuit of happiness" via consumption and saving money via buying in bulk that resistance is, indeed, futile.

I am too lazy to run down to northern NY for Costco--we have one in Ottawa twenty minutes from my house.  My neighbors, however, did enjoy the hell out of the outlet shopping they sought as part of their summer vacation near American lakes, beaches and cities.  Low sales taxes, great discounts--the American way.

So, residents of Washington, before you protest your parking difficulties, remember that there is nothing more American than buying stuff you probably do not need as long as it is on sale.


  1. Ahem - retail jobs?

  2. The global economy is beset by unfair trade practices—under the label of “Free Trade”—causing an increasing number of developed nations to protect their few remaining unionized workers against competition from lower-paid, third-world labor forces that have fewer benefits and are not hampered by safety and environmental regulations, at least not to the same extent. Overpriced labor forces employers to look elsewhere where skills and productivity are equal or better and transportation costs to markets are feasible.

    The fact is that if nations want free trade, no treaties are necessary. Present “free trade” treaties are protectionist documents outlining items to be excluded from free exchange; they are designed to protect manufacturers, farmers, labor unions, and pharmaceutical researchers, etc. Import inspections under the guise of sanitary safety standards are frequently employed to circumvent free access to agricultural markets that are the most highly subsidized and protected. Legal recourse exists but is useless when perishable products are delayed. Higher fines must be imposed when this practice is found to be abusive.

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