
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Improving Twitter

Twitter is about to roll out some changes, and it is kind of amazing how the company is so consistent in missing the mark.  So, the big news is removing likes/RTs from the bottom of tweets (maybe the originators will still be able to see if their stuff got action or not?).

How about this:
a) Nuke all of the bots.  The idea of twitter was to have individuals and individual companies engage, not to have swarms of fake stuff hitting people one way or another.  It should be possible to reduce or eliminate this nuisance.  At least try. 
b) Enforce the standards that you supposedly set.  I can't tell you how many times I have had friends/twitter acquaintances as well as a few cases I have also experienced where people report abusive behavior and twitter does nothing.  They say they police it and all that, but the evidence suggests it happens rarely.
c) Maybe allow country filters.  As in, I don't want tweets from Russia.  Just a hypothetical. 

Any other ideas?


  1. - Add an edit button, allowing us to fix typos and such for, say, 5 minutes.

    - Fix TweetDeck's scroll problem.

    - Get rid of the silly changing of display names. I'd prefer static, real names but understand why some would need pseudonyms.

    - Make it easier to see bio and follower count on TweetDeck, mobile, and other platforms other than That's vital for distinguishing whether people I don't follow are trolls or worth engaging.
