
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Top Ten Reasons Replacing Biden Is a Bad Idea

 I have been so annoyed by all of this stuff about replacing Biden.  AOC made the best arguments, but let me listicle:

  1. Alienate Black Americans who have been a foundation of the Dems for my entire lifetime (I am old).  
  2. Give the crazed Court yet more reasons to mess with the election.
  3. The polls are not that bad FFS.
  4. When was the last time the Dems had a contested convention.... did it go well?
  5. Who are these other magical candidates?  
  6. The GOP is the party of discounting votes, not the Dems.  The Dems had primaries, only lame folks ran, Biden won.  How about respecting elections?
  7. As always, one indicator of things is who is in favor of this?  Oh, the donor class?  Fuck them.  
  8. And fuck George Clooney.  If he was so powerful, the world would have intervened in Darfur.  
  9. Does anyone actually have a plan for how this would work?
  10. Notice how little the GOP has said about this, they are following Napoleon's "don't interrupt your adversary when they are making a mistake."  Or the Bill Simmons dictum: what does your enemy want?
  11. BONUS: It is also really bad politics to competitively leak stuff--it makes your party look incompetent and incoherent.

Oh, and all this noise about Biden has crowded out how much of a horrible person JD Vance is, how lame Trump's convention speech was, and all other news that might sway votes/turnout towards the Dems.


 Can we just fucking move on with the candidates we got?!!!  Yes, there is some risk, but the risks of the other approach (what approach? wild ideas) are far greater.  


  1. This aged about as poorly as my 2016 election predictions. Good thing I am not a scholar of American politics but of International politics.

  2. Why? You didn't make a prediction. Just said it was a bad idea to change candidates. Do you still think so?

  3. It turns out it seems to be a great idea.... it has energized the party, it has put the GOP on the back foot, it stole all the RNC thunder (what there was of it), and now I need to blog about this ;)
