
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Followup Lost Thoughts

  A few stray thoughts:

  • Is the former merc Keamy really dead?  They didn't double tap him in the previous reality and not here either....
  • I am trying to figure out if I am frustrated that the Temple folks lasted about five episodes after all of the buildup.  Kind of like Nikki and what's his face, but we didn't hate these guys.  Just confused about them.  
  • Alan Sepinwall has good takes on this and other TV seriess:
So how does Alt-Jin go from being detained by TSA agents at the airport to being taped up in Keamy's freezer? I'm guessing the money the TSA was so interested in was a payoff that got confiscated, and Keamy wasn't interested in any excuses. 
 I'm not exactly where Dogen ranked on the Others' corporate hierarchy relative to Ben, but the two guys clearly attended the same leadership seminar, one that involves lying and torturing when the truth upfront would be much more useful - and that then puts you in a very bad spot when you suddenly need your torture victim to trust you. The Others need a better HR rep next time out, I think.
Back to me: agreed.  Jacob's strategy of coercion and confusion filters down to leaders who do an awful lot of bad stuff.  Jacob's deal with Dogen is the same, essentially as F-Locke's with Sayid.  So, I am increasingly seeing Jacob and F-Locke not as good and evil, but like different Greek gods, who are vain, greedy, duplicitious, and  use the humans as their play-things.

I am off to the slopes, but when I get back, I may have more thoughts after reading some other reviews of last night's episode. 

1 comment:

  1. speaking of Jacob. I've been mulling over your posts and the last episode and it struck me: Jacob and F-Locke made promises and those promises are being kept -- but in the alternate time line. So Jacob promises Dogen that if he goes to island his son will live: in Alt-LA is at the piano recital with Jack, tells Jack his son is very talented. But Dogen's son is there too.
    F-Locke tells Sayid he'll see Nadia again: in Alt-LA Sayid is with Nadia, albeit as a sister-in-law... What other promises have these two made?
