
Friday, March 26, 2010

Foreign Aid--Getting the Facts

Me love some good data, and if you study development aid, there is now one place to go:   AidData is pretty much what the site is--heaps and heaps of data, that can be separated out by recipient, donor, activity, and year (and more, I think).  It is basically daring me to start asking questions about development and aid.  I now have to sic a student or seven on it.

If you are interested in development, foreign aid, foreign policy, or particular countries' economic inputs/outputs, this is good place to go.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve,
    Keep in mind that aid flows (i.e. money flows) are not the be all, end all data on aid. As a matter of fact 'big flows' may in reality have little impact (deep societal results) if aid isn't allocated effectively (see current debates on Aid Effectiveness post-Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action).
    It's a fascinating topic.
    The OECD also has a lot of data on its website.
