
Friday, April 23, 2010

Warning Order: Lost Fantasy Game to Replace Lost

Inspired by last night's NFL draft and the Sports Guy's frequent fantasy drafts of non-sport stuff such as realtiy TV shows, I am proposing that we here at the Spew have a fantasy draft of who will be alive at the end of the Lost series finale.  Of course, this gets quite complicated since characters have been known to die and then be resurrected (Siyad) and more importantly to live in one world and die in the other (Libby, Charlie, Locke, etc).

I will be the final arbiter of what counts as alive--it is my game and my blog.  I MAKE THE RULES!!

Ok, enough of that, what are these rules, oh fantasy Lost league commissioner for life?

  1. I will create a list of eligible characters (see further below).  On Tuesday, the folks in the league (just wait a second) will take turns picking their players via the comments section of the Tuesday blog (as Lost is not showing a new episode apparently).
    1. Draft order--once I have the names, I will  randomly select them to create an order and then post the order of the picks to be made by Tuesday morning.  The draft will be snake like, with the order being 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 .....
    2. With eight players, I think five rounds of the draft make sense.  
    3. The draft will commence Tuesday evening since we will all have free time that night, but will go on until the following Tuesday if necessary.
  2. For each player who is alive at the end of the finale, you get five points.  If a person you choose is the winning Candidate, you get ten points.  
    1. If the two realities both end up existing and neither one has a superior reality-ness to it, then we will count points for the characters in both realities.  Hint: choosing folks who are already dead in one reality may not be the best strategy, but could provide for some sleepers in the later rounds of the draft.  That is, you are then betting on which reality trumps if there is trumping.
    2.  If one reality clearly trumps the other, then we will count only the trumper and not the trumped.  
      1. If there is much confusion about this, we can debate this after the finale.  I can be persuaded (bought?).
    3. If a character can only be deduced to be alive due to omission (that their destiny is not clear by end of the finale), then a character that is assumed to be alive earns one 2 points (for instance, probably Jack's ex Sarah).  
    4. Zombies do not count as alive, but Zombies with a heart of gold do (Siyad counts as alive again if he shows any free will, which we think he already did but are not completele sure).
    5. I was tempted to include negative points for folks who are killed but that would change the strategy for some folks towards risk aversion (drafting secondary characters with arcs that are likely to be boring) and turn this into a death pool, rather than the life-affirming life pool it is.
  3.  The stakes: the winner gets to send me text that I must post on my blog as a blog post, not just a comment.  It can be their take on Lost and its finale, it can be a brutal critique of any or all Spew posts, it can be a personal vignette of how I embarrassed myself somewhere in this reality, it can make fun of me in ways that I have not yet imagined (or in ways that I have already imagined), etc.  
    1. And if the winner is someone I actually interact with in real life on a occasion, they get a free beer (not wine, just beer, sorry Wendy) or, in honor Desmond, Scotch, and so does the second place person.
  4. Signing up:  The first eight people to sign up via comments to this post are in.  
  5. Who is fair game (as listed in wikipedia):
    1. Richard Alpert
    2. Kate Austen
    3. Juliet Burke
    4. Boone Carlyle
    5. Ana Lucia Cortez
    6. Michael Dawson
    7. Mr. Eko
    8. Daniel Faraday/Widmore
    9. Nikki Fernandez
    10. James Ford
    11. Desmond Hume
    12. Sayid Jarrah
    13. Jin-Soo Kwon
    14. Sun-Hwa Kwon
    15. Frank Lapidus
    16. Charlotte Lewis
    17. Ben Linus
    18. Claire Littleton
    19. Walt
    20. John Locke
    21. Smokey
    22. Charlie Pace
    23. Paulo
    24. Hurley
    25. Shannon
    26. Jack
    27. Libby
    28. Miles
    29. Ilana
    30. Aaron
    31. Leslie Artz
    32. Cindy the flight attendant
    33. Emma (kid #1 that Cindy is attending)
    34. Zach (kid #2 that Cindy is attending)
    35. Rose
    36. Bernard
    37. Vincent the dog
    38. Alex Rousseau
    39. Karl, Alex's boyfriend
    40. Dogen
    41. Lennon
    42. Jungle Boy that scares Smokey
    43. Ethan
    44. Goodwin
    45. Tom Friendly
    46. Eloise Hawking/Widmore
    47. Charles Widmore
    48. Pierre Chang
    49. Alvar Hanso
    50. Roger Linus
    51. Penny Widmore
    52. Charlie Widmore, Penny and Desmond's child
    53. Matthew Abaddon
    54. Naomi
    55. Zoe
    56. Anthony Cooper
    57. Kate's Mom
    58. Nadia
    59. Jae Lee
    60. Cassidy Phillips
    61. Sarah Sheperd (Jack's ex)
    62. Helen Norwood
    63. Liam, Charlie's brother
    64. Hurley's mom
    65. Hurley's dad
    66. Jacob (the big kahuna)
  6. I am open to modifications/adjustments as recommending by players and non-players like.
And if you want to post draft strategies, you are welcome to it.  I will post a strategy guide of sorts Tuesday before the draft.  One hint now: betting that woman will survive because Cuse and Lindelof are either sexist or romantics and thus choosing Kate and Sun might make sense, but remember they had no compunction about killing Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby, and most recently Ilana (and other women in between).


  1. I'll go in on this, but I'll be abroad during last few episodes including season finale and won't get back home until May 30 (leaving May 13), at which time I'll have to frantically catch up on Hulu. So I won't be able to check into the Spew until after I catch up...

  2. The key is getting your draft in. And it sounds like that should not be a problem.

  3. Hey Steve:

    My Wife Ali and I want to play as one team (we both are die hard followers, but she is more fanatical than I am).

  4. Sounds like a plan. You guys are in as a team. Of course, then you will need to name your team. But I leave that to you.

  5. I'm answering for Wendy - she's in too!!!!

  6. Lol, thank you Beth. Yes, I'm in! :D

  7. p.s. And I'll settle for scotch, btw ...

  8. Isn't #8 supposed to be DANIEL (not David)?

  9. btw since we watch on Hulu I don't know what time Lost is usually on, what times does this start on tuesday?

  10. The draft will start 9pm Tuesday evening, Eastern Daylight time. If you cannot be online, you can provide with a list of your preferred draft picks (make it long enough) and I will put in the most highly-ranked candidate that is available for each of your turns in the draft.

    I will post instructions for the draft when I put out the order, later today if I can get one more email.

  11. Sorry, my name is Ben Robinson, I was a student of yours two years ago in POLI 244.

  12. Ben,
    We have a complete league of ten, but if the mystery player drops out, then you are in the game.

  13. Okey Dokey! Thanks for the Healthy Scratch...

  14. Steve - give Ben my spot because I just booked a shoot this week (I'm a photographer) and I'm not sure if I'll be in a zone that receives internet. Ben - you better DO WELL and make me proud!

  15. Beth, I'm a student at McGill... What better things do I have to do during exam period than to kick butt at a Lost fantasy league that two of my former professors are participating in! Hehe...

    Here's to EXAMSSSSSSSSS!
    Thanks Beth for your generous donation of a spot!
