
Monday, March 19, 2012

Explaining Limited Posting Lately

We sold our house (contingent on the usual stuff) last week.
We bought a house (contingent on the usual stuff) this weekend.

Obviously, blogging is more important than this stuff, but Mrs. Spew and Kid Spew* do not share these priorities.  And as the girl in the video does, I love my house.  Either one.  Both.  My current house looks nothing like it usually does because I moved heaps of stuff into the crawl space, the cleaners have cleaned bigtime, and the stager made the house POP by moving stuff around.  And the new house is bigger, younger, spiffier and we know not yet the defects.  So, it is very much greener as in the grass is always greener ...  *
* My daughter hates this video since I have gotten in the habit of intimating the kid's enthusiasm and song.

So, that is my explanation of blogging shortage.  That and the ISA that is forthcoming.

If any UCSD grad students have tips about San Diego (since my info is much dated), let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Not too much seems to have changed in SD. There's still no decent public transit from the airport except for one bus that really goes nowhere and the biggest controversy now is over a statue on the waterfront (the La Jolla seals have faded to the background).

    The biggest changes may have been on the SD beer scene. A brief guide:

    Green Flash, now the 2nd-largest in the county behind Stone, makes a superb West Coast IPA that should be widely available.

    If you see Victory at Sea or Sculpin IPA from Ballast Point Brewing, grab 'em--their other offerings are alright but those two really steal the scene.

    Alpine is rarer, but almost all their beers are excellent.

    Lost Abbey makes good, if somewhat overrated Belgians. They're a subsidary of (Pizza) Port Brewing which may have been around in your time and is still quite good, though uneven.

    Stone still has hops a-plenty in basically all their beers. If you can find their Cali-Belgique, try it; it's an excellent interpretation of a Belgian-style IPA.

    Karl Strauss is also still in business. Look for the "Off the Rails" version of their standard Red Trolley for an interesting twist on a caramel-red.
