
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Vacation Adventures

I learned today that white water rafting is best done while remaining in the raft:
The actual rafting pics will be posted next week--once I return home since I left my cable for my waterproof phone at home.  I led the raft that was chock full of Saideman relatives in number of times falling out of the raft: 2 to, um, none.  The first fall was early and in a non-nasty place.  The second?  Um, in the nastiest place apparently.  I am bruised and beaten, but I still had a great time.

When I returned, I consulted my doctor, and he advised ibuprofen, hot bath (my hotel room has a great bathtub and amazing shower), and a few beers.  Well, the doctor was me,* and since I was in and I gave great advice, I took it.

We shall see what wonderful colors my leg displays tomorrow.

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