
Friday, September 13, 2024

The State of Canadian Politics

 The drama down south has captivated not just Americans but Canadians.  But the good news is that the shitshow up north is going to grab some of that attention back.  The latest is that the left-wing party, the New Democrats, led by Jagmeet Singh, has ended its deal with the Liberals for no apparent reason and is now, yes, opposing basic climate change policy.  I really don't know how Singh got to lead a party with such poor political instincts.  

The Liberals are just freaking tired.  Nine years of Trudeau--he had ample opportunity to step down gracefully so that someone else could provide new energy to the party.  He is much younger than Joe Biden and far less decisive.  I think he suffers from a similar syndrome.  Just as Biden thought he was the only and best Trump-slayer, Trudeau thinks that he is the best one to defeat Pierre Poilievre.  The current polls suggest otherwise, Justin.  And the big news within the party is for Mark Carney, former bank governor both in Canada and UK (wtf?), is vying to be the next leader?  Yuck.  Not sure who I would favor, but not someone who hasn't really practiced competitive electoral politics.

What is a voter to do?  Damned if I know.  I had a fun conversation last night as the Conservative candidate in my riding seeking to unseat the Liberal incumbent was doing door-to-door campaigning.  She asked if I might vote for her.  Not if Pierre P is her leader.  Why?  I could have gone in many directions and kind of did so, but I focused in part on the incitement of trans hatred, I talked a bit about the Conservatives undermining NSICOP--the effort to provide some oversight over intel services ... about which she knew not, and I talked about Pierre's hugging of the people who blocked downtown Ottawa for weeks abusing the folks in or passing through the neighborhood.  I didn't even get into his platforming far right, resentful retired generals who complain about a woke military.

I really wish the left and the right would provide decent alternatives to the Liberals.  But they don't.  Democracy requires alternation and the threat of alternation so that even long-lasting incumbent parties act as if they are accountable to the public.  

All I know is that we are likely to get a majority Conservative government at this rate, which will test how sincere Poilievre is.  Given that I think he is the Ted Cruz of Canada, I don't think he cares about much except power. But what he does to get there and stay there is probably not going to be good.  In short, we be fucked.

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