
Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Projection Administration

A running theme here and one of the key Trump Rules has been projection. Today's exemplars are:

Why so much projection?  It is quite simply really.  Folks like Trump and Pompeo are thoroughly awful people, AND they think they are normal.  That is, they think everyone else is just like them.  Trump knows he is corrupt, but does not think that is problematic because everyone else is corrupt.  Not being corrupt is foolish, in his mind, since everyone is profiting from their privileged positions. 

Of all the Trump tendencies, this is among the most consistent.  He explains everyone else's behavior from his own personal logic.  His own personal logic is one of corruption, deception, hate, and he assumes everyone else is similar.  This is one reason why there is the whole "there is always a tweet" thing, where some accusation he made--Obama is lazy, Hillary is corrupt, etc--turns out to be something he does.  His basic take on politics is blasting people for doing things that he would do if given the chance, and thanks to the Russians, Comey, Jill Stein, and others, he has had that chance for the past three years. 

The projection also explains his stance on trade agreements and alliances--that all cooperation is a ripoff unless one can get an exploitative deal.  Why?  Because he is trying to rip off the other person, the other side must be doing the same.  The idea that Canada is exploiting the US, for example, can only come from a fevered projecting mind.

Some might argue that this is deliberate deflection, a strategy to avoid responsibility.  The projection, however, is so consistent that it is basic to who Trump is.  If it were just a strategy, he could not do it all of the time because he simply does not have that kind of attention span or focus.

I can't help but think of the eight year old saying "I am rubber, you're glue, etc, etc."  Trump's responses require no insight, no thought, no information, no work, just accusations that everyone else is just like him.  Because he surrounds himself with similar types, his perceptions are reinforced.  The Pompeos, the Barrs, the Kushners of the world make it seem like everyone in the world is just like Trump: corrupt, lacking in integrity, profit-seeking, etc. 

The damning aspects for the United States are:
a) there seem to be plenty of people who gravitate to Trump and serve in his administration who feel the same way
b) it has worked well enough with 40-45% of the American people with, of course, the aid of Fox and the rest of the radical right media.

Just remember the next time Trump blasts someone, it is mostly ascribing to someone else his own personality and tendencies.  It is all projection, all of the time.

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