Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ignorance is Bliss: Let Me Count The Ways

This ad makes me laugh, cringe and sigh at the same time:

The Democrat is clearly seen as being an inferior choice because:
  • he has multiple degrees
  • he was educated abroad and then continued to work abroad
  • he supports cap and trade
  • he worked in Washington (where I believe the winner of this race will also work, so experience is not a good thing, eh?)
  • he threw an awesome party (what is wrong with corn dogs?).
I get why the GOP is playing up the guy's environmental credentials as being a bad thing, but the whole "ooo, he got too much education from those darned foreigners" is just appalling.  More education may not always be a good thing, but it is not a disqualification either for higher office.  And getting some perspective by being educated outside the US and by working in DC?  Jeez.

Ignorance is bliss precisely because more knowledge would indicate how much the GOP is betraying the interests of its supporters.

While I often complain about the inferior commercials on Canadian TV (the same Canadian Tire ad every 10 minutes or less), a key advantage to living here is missing most of the political ads during US election seasons.

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