Thursday, May 14, 2020

The CDSN Doctoral Seminar Initiative

Ok, maybe not. As always, thanks to
PhD Students: Assemble!  As normal avenues of presenting research and receiving feedback have been disrupted by the pandemic, the Canadian Defence and Security Network is planning to hold monthly virtual seminars where advanced PhD students can present their work in progress. It is not the same as an in-person workshop or conference, but this will help students get some feedback and build connections to other PhD students.  

Each month, we plan to host two students presenting their work, about 15-20 minutes each, on our zoom platform, with questions, answers, and discussion to follow afterwards.  The students presenting will benefit by testing their ideas and getting feedback, the students observing will get a better awareness of what kind of work is being done, and will also learn what to do and what not to do in their own work.  

We are also considering holding a professionalization q&a in between the seminars, so we would ultimately have meetings every two weeks, alternating between presentation seminars and professionalization seminars.  This will only happen, of course, if students indicate there is an interest in this.  

Thus, we are surveying the PhD students who are already connected to the CDSN to determine the level of interest in each activity.  If you are not on our mailing list, you can (a) get on it; and (b) respond to the survey by clicking on this link:   

Who is eligible?  
a) Canadian PhD students working in defence and security issues, defined quite broadly.
b) PhD students elsewhere working on Canadian defence and security issues, which includes students studying Canada as one case of a few/many. 

Note that this gets to what the Canadian modifies in the CDSN: it is mostly a network of Canadian people doing defence and security stuff--not always Canadian defence and security stuff--but includes international partners who are interested in Canada but are not solely focused on Canada.   So, we are Canadians doing defence and security and also people doing Canadian defene and security.  I hope this makes sense.

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