Thanks again for a great ten years.
International Relations, Ethnic Conflict, Civil-Military Relations, Academia, Politics in General, Selected Silliness
#APSA2012HungerGames Short break in carnage so everyone can agree that Thomas Friedman has no idea what he's talking about.
— W. K. Winecoff (@whinecough) August 27, 2012
@texasinafrica@danatgu@smsaideman I have 2 kids under 2.5 years so I've been training for#APSA2012HungerGames for years. Reno is mine.
— Jason Lyall (@jaylyall_red5) August 27, 2012
“As much as Neil cherished his privacy, he always appreciated the expressions of good will from people around the world and from all walks of life,” his family said. “While we mourn the loss of a very good man, we also celebrate his remarkable life and hope that it serves as an example to young people around the world to work hard to make their dreams come true, to be willing to explore and push the limits, and to selflessly serve a cause greater than themselves.”I don't remember the moon landing but do remember the big missions of the mid 1970's--Skylab and the rendezvous with the Soviets. Thanks to the internet, we can go back to the past and read the papers of the day.
* One of the strangenesses at Canadian schools (I know have an n of two) is that tenure seems to be easier than promotion. At Carleton, the tenure and promotion to Associate Professor are two distinct decisions and processes, and only one of them seems to have university-wide standards, and it ain't tenure. I don't understand it at all, but that does seem to be the reality.
** This is mostly written with research intensive schools in mind. Liberal arts colleges will be similar but not identical. The norms regarding research output for folks at liberal arts colleges may be different than for research universities, so keep my bias in mind--based on my experiences at the research schools.Why care about the profession? Well, since it includes more people, it is unlikely to change quickly. A department can radically revise its standards in a short period of time. But that is not really the important reason. The two reasons are:
“I strongly disagree,” MacKenzie writes. “When a soldier is faced with a similar situation in some far flung battlefield in the future, and has those 10 seconds to reach a decision, no regulation nor memory or knowledge of Captain Rob Semrau’s court martial will spring to mind.Um, no. The detainee was not a threat. So, the whole ten seconds, regs don't matter, it is just the personal code is ten tons of crap. The rules of engagement, the laws of war, are supposed to apply in exactly these situations. You have a defenseless prisoner--do you shoot him? The answer is no.
“It will be his or her own moral code that will dictate their response — nothing more, nothing less.”
* Except, of course, for looking for citations of their own work.
The Francophones have won every battle except independence. And if they become independent, Quebec will lose. It will lose the subsidies that Canada provides, it will lose cache in the rest of the world, since no one really cares about Quebec that much besides some old nationalists in France.So, the question du jour is: who would take Quebec's side as it struggles to become independent if a referendum was won by the separatists? And I do mean struggle both because a Harper government might not be such a friendly bargaining partner as the assets AND debts are divvied up and because starting up a new country is as easy as separatists dream.
* As it turns out, I ended up using this tool and discovered that although it took a couple of years to sign up, I was still ahead of 90% of the people who are on twitter now. And this tool is super-useful to track one's own twitter account (I don't think I am the only narcissist on twitter) and others. H/T toI probably should hashtag more to get my stuff wider attention. Thus far, the only consistent hashtag I use is: #voterfraudfraud. I use it when discussing the attempts to restrict the vote in the US with the excuse that there is voter fraud (which there is not).@DaveedGR for the link.
This nursery is incredible, but you DO realize that baby's gonna have serious daddy issues, right?bit.ly/RN10VLJust one photo to give you an idea:
— Damon Lindelof (@DamonLindelof) August 13, 2012
* I was always put off by the very vocal "hey, we don't work Sundays" policy that reminded me of how narrow-minded people could be since Sabbaths vary, but that is just me.
** And yes, I think it is homophobic and self-righteous because it requires the usual selective reading of the Bible which has all kinds of obsolete crap in it that we ignore, including slavery and horrific rules of war and so on.