But the journey thus far has been..... frustrating. Weather disrupted connections, then mechanical problems disrupted connection, so we abandoned Air Canada for the last leg, only to rent the wrong vehicle (the keys worked!).
But we made it so here are some suggestions, given our experience:
- If one is going on a cruise, always pad the front of the trip by a few days so that one does not literally miss the boat. The flight attendants along the way appreciated that we were not that stressed for time since we had enough time built in. I have flown next to enough panicked cruise goers to know better than to try to time things too tightly.
- When waiting online (three hours plus) for a service person, make some calls: to one's frequent flyer airline to see if they can help even if you are not on their system for this leg; to get a hotel room since they were going out fast (thanks, priceline!); etc.
- Travel apps--to find out the status of flights and such.
- Must keep status--we were able to enjoy lounges (my daughter discovered free booze she could serve herself!). Not necessary but definitely made the odysssey (lots of references to Odysseus on this journey)
- Be nice to the car rental people who are swamped, especially after the last person was nasty.
- Get a NEXUS card if you can--we saved probably 2-3 hours on the drive from Vancouver to Seattle as they had a special lane and then three open NEXUS booths. Woot!
Anyhow, enjoy your early August, as I will be eating too much, hanging out with a herd of nieces (and one token nephew), and hopefully seeing bears and otters and whales and Grizzly Adams.
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