Tuesday, October 31, 2017

You Might Be a White Supremacist

Thanks to John Kelly's incredibly dumb comments about the American Civil War, I have been inspired to finally write a post that has been germinating for a while (and I am ripping off Jeff Foxworthy's "you might be a redneck routine.")
  • If you think that both sides of the US Civil War were honorable, you might be a white supremacist.
  • If you think that the civil war happened because the North didn't compromise enough (despite many historic compromises named things like "The Missouri Compromise"), you might be a white supremacist.
  • If you think there were fine people on both sides of Charlottesville, you might be a white supremacist.
  • If you take a vague executive order about a ban on Muslims and enthusiastically enforce it, you might be a white supremacist.
  • If you empower the immigration folks to violate a heap of norms (sick kids in hospitals?), then you might just be a white supremacist.
  • If you give Steve Bannon an office in the White House, you might be a white supremacist.
  • If you continue to have Stephen Miller involved in policy-making and speech-writing, you might be a white supremacist.
  • If you appoint a friend of the KKK as Attorney General, someone the 1980s GOP thought to be too racist to be a Federal Judge, you might be a white supremacist.
  • If you support disenfranchising minorities via voterfraudfraud, such as by appointing a known vote suppressing such as Kris Kobach as head of a voter suppression effort, you might just be a white supremacist.
  • If you target an NFL player for protesting police violence against minorities, you might just be a white supremacist.
I could and probably will go on....   but this gets the idea across even without referring to Trump's racial discrimination in rental housing or other older statements/behavior).

  • If you cannot denounce slavery, you might just be a white supremacist:

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