- Rob, a friend from high school, and self-employed business consultant. Yes, he is a smart one who may outthink the others or maybe himself
- Sara, a political scientist with either the first or second most obnoxious laugh in the business. She has keen quantitative analysis skills, but it is not clear how they will help here.
- Wendy, a high school friend who is now a lawyer in Florida. She is used to all kinds of craziness, so she will be well-suited for this competition.
- Brandon, an expert on cyber-warfare which is, of course, useless here, but he did spend much time in Scotland, so he knows much about drinking and swordplay.
- Art, another high school friend, is a doctor, so he will be ready to heal thyself.
- Caitlin, a twitter friend who ran twitterfightclub (yes, you are allowed to and encouraged to talk about it), so she has more game than the rest of you combined.
- Elliot, a frisbee teammate and now engineer for a start up. He runs pretty good for a guy with a bad hip, and he was willing to leave a secure government job so he has got spunk.

Tis a snake draft: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7.
To be held April 8th at 8pm eastern time here at the blog via the comments section (update--it will be done on my fb page and then I will report results and snark on my blog). Folks can tweet me or message me their choices along the way if they can't access the comments or don't want to do so. If they can't attend, they can send me their list of preferred draft picks--they should come up with 21 names in the order they want to draft them.
All players will send to me privately (email or messenger or DM) their choices for the tiebreakers:
Tie breaker #1: who sits on the Iron Throne at the end?
Tie breaker #2: how many dragons are alive at the end? And, yes, undead dragons count as alive if they are not really, really dead.
Tie breaker #3: how many people does Arya assassinate in the final season (not including battle scenes because, damn, that would be hard)? Oh, and Price is Right Rules: closest without going over!

See you next week in this space!
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