Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Enjoying Spring?

This has been my first real spring in Canada in my ten years here: a March where the snow is mostly gone, where I can walk around in the afternoon with just a light jacket or none at all.  Terrific, except for this:

H/T to Sara M, who linked to this.

Oh, and this is the first year in my ten years in Canada where I skied not at all.  Mostly ice and rock for much of the season, and I was sick the one good weekend of the year.  Too bad, as moving to Ottawa will mean far longer distances to the Eastern Townships areas.  I didn't have a chance this year to say goodbye to Owl's Head, Orford or Mont Sutton.  Oh well, at least I don't have to scrape ice off my car that much this month (and rarely after we move--the new house has two car garage and Carleton has parking garages!).  Oh, yes, my driving is not going to slow down climate change at all in Ottawa, but I will be fuming less about bad Mtl mass transport, so there might be a tradeoff.

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