Sunday, July 1, 2012

Canada Day in the ROC!

ROC, for those outside of Canada, stands for Rest of Canada in any discussion of Quebec versus the rest.  Well, this is my first Canada Day where I am in the ROC.  Yes, heaps more Canadian flags here than in Montreal.  And, yes, the French signs at IKEA are smaller than the English ones. 

Blogging has remained intermittent both because my internet service has been flaky since late last night and because this unpacking stuff is hard work.  Plus we are shopping when we are not unpacking as we need stuff for this new house--towel racks, food, toilet paper holders, etc. 

Anyhow, I missed the big soccer game, and didn't make it out to Parliament Hill this time for the Canada Day celebrations.  We will squeeze in a sojourn to our local C-Day celebration sponspored by the construction company that built our development. 

Thanks to Canada for being me a great ten years and a new fun place to live.  Learning the ins and outs of operating in the national capital will be fun and challenging. 

I hope you and yours are having a very Canadian Canada Day.  I guess that means waiting politely and patiently in a lineup for some health care ;)

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